Savvy Staging & Associates, LLC
Did you know the "expense" of home staging can actually save you money? See how much you could save by staging your home first.
Did you know the "expense" of home staging can actually save you money? See how much you could save by staging your home first.
Monthly Mortgage Amount $ 1,200 -
Monthly Carrying Costs
(utilities, taxes, etc)- $ 500
Months on Market When Unstaged - 9
Reduction in Months When Staged- 7 (on average a house will sell within 2 months after it has been staged) Staging Fee
$ 1,200-(estimated)
Cost to List Unstaged $ 15,300 -
(Mortgage X 9 months on market + monthly carrying costs)
Savings When Staged First $ 10,700
(Mortgage x 2 months on the market +carrying costs X2 + staging fee-costs to list unstaged)
****According to the Real Estate Staging Association if you stage first you are likely to spend 78% less time on the market.